News & Notice

CUEB and Plekhanov Russian University of Economics Sign Inter-university MOU
Published: 2015-11-27
On November 11th, President Wang Jiaqiong met Leonid A. Bragin, first vice-rector of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE), Asari Asarijef, director ..

CUEB Holds Mobilization Conference on Furthering Comprehensive Reforms
Published: 2015-11-27
On November 10th, CUEB leadership above the deputy-director level convened at the Lecture Hall for the Conference on Furthering Comprehensive Reforms, during wh..
CUEB and Plekhanov Russian University of Economics Sign Inter-university MOU
On November 11th, President Wang Jiaqiong met Leonid A. Bragin, first vice-rector of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE), Asari Asarijef, director of PRUE Economic Department, and Serguy ..
CUEB Holds Mobilization Conference on Furthering Comprehensive Reforms
On November 10th, CUEB leadership above the deputy-director level convened at the Lecture Hall for the Conference on Furthering Comprehensive Reforms, during which, Party Secretary Ke Wenjin elaborate..
President Wang Jiaqiong Receives Delegation of Lincoln University (New Zealand)
On October 21st, President Wang Jiaqiong met with Jeremy Baker, deputy vice-chancellor of Lincoln University (New Zealand). The two sides exchanged on how to carry out cooperation projects within th..
MOU Signed Between CUEB and University of New Mexico
On November 2nd, Wang Jiaqiong, President of CUEB, met with Robert G. Frank, President of University of New Mexico (UNM), Nicole Tammy, Director of Global Education Office, Craig White, Interim Dean o..
Delegation Led by Viladimir Shaplov, Director of Department of International Cooperation
On October 2nd, Vice Pesident Xu Fang met with a delegation led by Viladimir Shaplov, director of Department of International Cooperation, Administration of Education of the Republic of Belarus. The t..